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“Midnight Cry” Book Signing at Lakeshore Senior Living

Lakeshore Senior Living 5000 Launch Street, Guntersville, AL

DATE: Monday, January 6 TIME: 1:00 - 3:00 pm LOCATION: Lakeshore Senior Living atrium, 5000 Launch St DETAILS: Lakeshore Senior Living will host a book signing for Lesa Carnes Shaul, author of “Midnight Cry: A Shooting on Sand Mountain.” The event is free and open to the public. As a native of Sand Mountain, Lesa…

Watercolors & Paper Sculpture Exhibit at MVAC

Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery 440 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL

DATE: Starts January 7; closes February 28 TIME: Tues-Fri 10am - 5pm; Sat 10am - 2pm LOCATION: Mountain Valley Arts Council, 440 Gunter Ave DETAILS: Free and open to the public! Enjoy exhibits featuring Caroline Wilder’s watercolors and Georgia Duke’s paper clay sculptures

Art Forum with Dr. Whitney & Barbara Snow at Mountain Valley Arts Council

Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery 440 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL

DATE: Tuesday, January 7 TIME: 5:30 - 7:00 pm LOCATION: Mountain Valley Arts Council, 440 Gunter Ave DETAILS: MVAC is starting the new year off right by featuring Dr. Whitney Snow and her mother, Barbara Snow in the first Art Forum. They will discuss aspects of researching and writing non-fiction books and the art of…

Free Hearing Aid Servicing – Premier Hearing Center

Premier Hearing Center 7979 AL Hwy 69, Guntersville, AL

DATE: Tuesday, January 14 TIME: 9:00 am LOCATION: Premier Hearing Center, 7979 AL-69, Guntersville DETAILS: Schedule an appointment for a FREE hearing aid service.  

Artist’s Reception at Mountain Valley Arts Council

Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery 440 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL

DATE: Tuesday, January 14 TIME: 5:30 - 7:00 pm LOCATION: Mountain Valley Arts Council, 440 Gunter Ave DETAILS: Free and open to the public! Meet the artists behind Caroline Wilder’s watercolors and Georgia Duke’s paper clay sculptures  

Space & Rocket Center Trip with Marshall County RSVP

DATE: Thursday, January 16 TIME: Leave RSVP @10:00 a.m. LOCATION: Marshall County RSVP- 19272 Highway 431 DETAILS: Meet at and leave from the Marshall County RSVP at 10:00 a.m. Head to Huntsville and eat at the Blue Plate Cafe. Then, enjoy the afternoon at the Huntsville Space and Rocket Center! To sign up or for…

Beginner Crochet Class – Marshall County RSVP

Marshall County RSVP 19272 Hwy 431 North, Guntersville, AL

Beginner Crochet Classes offered at the Marshall County RSVP DATE: January 17th & 31st TIME: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm DETAILS: Call to sign up and cost 256.571.7734

Art Talk: Quilt Turning with Anne Barrett – Mountain Valley Arts Council

Mountain Valley Arts Council Gallery 440 Gunter Avenue, Guntersville, AL

DATE: Saturday, January 18 TIME: 10am and 11am LOCATION: Mountain Valley Arts Council, 440 Gunter Ave DETAILS: Anne Barrett is a renowned piecer and hand-quilter from our area. In this Art Talk, Anne will be leading a “quilt turning” in person. We expect the entire quilt turning will take about an hour; you are welcome…