Unique Lakeside Experiences
Guntersville hosts an abundance of fun and diverse events each year. Guntersville is a regular stop on the Bassmaster Tournament tours and hosted the Bassmaster Classic in February 2014. Other popular events include the Eagle Awareness Program in January and February; the Wild Irish 10k Run in March; Art on the Lake in April; the 4th of July fireworks display over Lake Guntersville; the Mountain Lakes Triathlon in August; St. William Seafood Festival on Labor Day weekend; and many holiday activities including the Downtown Merchants “Night Before Christmas”, the Christmas Parade and a Whole Backstage holiday production.
MVAC has a long history of excellence in exhibiting local area Alabama artists in its downtown gallery at 440 Gunter Avenue, the Probate Court and County Commission offices in the Guntersville Courthouse, and the Lt. Governor's office suite in Montgomery.
MVAC hosts free outdoor Spring and Fall Concerts in Errol Allan Park and a large 4th of July Concert in Civitan Park. MVAC's gallery features visual arts, quilts, and books by local authors and illustrators and includes local musicians during the opening artist receptions. In addition, MVAC hosts art workshops and art forums and an annual Holiday Art Market during November and December in its downtown gallery.
Visit MVAC’s website at https://mvacarts.org for more information
Over the last thirty years, the Guntersville Museum and Cultural Center has seen much prosperity. It has amassed a large art and artifact collection. The museum also hosts many special events, exhibits, and fundraisers. The museum focuses on Guntersville’s rich history as well as art and culture. Its purpose is to preserve the history of Guntersville, inform visitors and citizens and promote art and culture in the area.
Visit the Guntersville Museum's website at guntersvillemuseum.org for details.
The WBS Theater has built a reputation for excellence over the last 30 years. The theater is a vital part of the artistic community, creating an atmosphere of camaraderie and fun. The WBS presents productions throughout the year, offering something for everyone’s taste. Over the last few years, they have presented Camelot, Steel Magnolias, Romeo & Juliet, Annie, The Sound of Music, Godspell, White Christmas, and A Christmas Carol.
Visit The Whole Backstage Theatre's website at wholebackstage.com for more details.